Sunday, 29 November 2009

Whales, wildlife and Kendalians!

Cruise out to see whales - saw sperm whale, dusky dolphins, seals, royal albatross + lots of other local seabirds.

Dusky dophhins

Then did great coastal walk for 3-4 hrs with a crayfish (Kaikora means crayfish) Sunday lunch on the wayat this great little shack by the sea.

Amazing meet up with a couple from Kendal, Martin and Gwen Tordoff, who overheard me saying "Ham not as good as Higginsons!".  they are travelling by bus and put us to shame with single rucksacks v. our 3 bags and 2 rucksacks and car!  They are doing several 3-34 day hikes and hiring gear at each place to carry themeselves.  We start Queen charlotte Ttrack tomorrow and have water taxis to transfer luggage - such wimps!

  YHA - our room was middle one - dining room and lounge left and right overlooking sea

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