Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Teaching amongst the glaciers


This is Mt Cook, highest mountain in NZ, and seen over the nearby glacial lake with the wonderful blue caused by the particles brought down by the glacier.

We are staying at the YHA at Mt Cook village

with these brilliant views - costs a bit less ($80) than the swanky Heritage Hotel further in the village ($600-$900 a night) and full of Koreans and Japanese.  On one of the walks in probably the cleanest air in the world, we saw one of them in a mask!!!  Acceptable in polluted Kathmandu, possibly London and Tokyo, maybe at air conditioned Singapore airport (lots of them spotted there) - but here!!!!!!!!!


For the teachers amongst you, how about this for a job - 11 pupils and views similar to the photo above - applications to Mr G Honeybone.  And of even more interest to tennis players - a court right next door - probably like Heversham at the moment - frozen all winter.


Went on a brilliant boat trip all among the icebergs broken off from the end of the Tasman Glacier - really exciting trip in a small boat and close up to the 'bergs that were moving along the lake all the time and occasionally turning over or breaking up - well worth the money and with our $30 discount each, it paid for our YHA joining fees - a bargain indeed!  and including magnificent views all around the lake of Mt Cook, Mt Tasman and jagged peaks and snow in all directions.


Stopped on the way here at a great Salmon Farm - fed the fish and then bought some fresh smoked salmon and had a picnic beside the lake and farm - magic!

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