Sunday, 14 February 2010

Cafes, toilets and other trivia

Now in Perth and 32+ degrees and getting towards the end of blogging, but here are just a few NZ bits that got missed and might be of interest.

Too many to mention in the regular blogs but here are some of our favourite ones on North Island with the best views - of which there was no shortage in NZ
Waitangi - where the Treaty was made between the Brits and the Mauris - lots of history and still having ramifications in NZ today due to the variances in interpretation by both sides - see if you are interested.

Best fish and chip shop at Manganoui - a brilliant shop standing on stilts out into the bay with great views and pretty good food too.

Russell - already mentioned in Bay of Islands blog, but this view was one of the best and great for watching the world go by

Arty Toilets

For the artistic amongst you, these toilets in Kawakawa were designed by Hundertwasser and were pretty amazing public toilets with all the walls, floors and surrounds made from mosaic tiles and all sorts of metal bits and pieces.

Island recycling

Well, I thought it interesting, - these are the floating containers in the middle of the Bay of Islands where the local inhabitants can dispose of their recycling stuff and rubbish and then when full they are towed in and emptied on the mainland. Saves clogging up more of our oceans anyway.

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