Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Staying at cousin Ron and Sheila

Flood updates from home say all is now well and waters receded - have put a few more photos on my Picasa albums - accessed via photo links on the right hand side. Will be adding travel photos as we go along.
Now in Christchurch and staying with Graham's cousin Ron. They share the same great, great grandfather, George Honeybone, who made the clock at our house - see piccie below of Graham and Ron. Ron & Sheila stayed with us at Beck Head earlier this year.

Our hairstylist and friend, Christine (who posted my first blog comment - thank you!!), in Cheshire will remember Sheila - she is probably the 10th or so member of our family to get their hair done by Christine - and certainly the furthest away.

See map of where we are at Rons House. or street view

This is a picture of their house from when we stayed with them a few years ago

1 comment:

  1. Hi Graham and Cathy,
    Nice that you mentioned my hairdressing (thank you) Richard came in this morning and as I had asked about you, I thought it was time to catch up,(in between Christmas customers) haven't looked at everything yet, but hopefully in time.
    So far, it looks fantastic.
    Talk again soon Christine xx
