Friday, 25 December 2009

Christmas cake and pud

Staying in luxury, for us, in a self catering unit with own bathroom, own kitchen and lounge, TV and bedroom. Here for 6 days in Te Anau - a wonderful little town right by the lake with mountains all around. The West Coast is just over the Divide and is one of the wettest places on earth - so naturally we had rain on our Milford Sound cruise on Christmas Eve. but it was very atmospheric and the waterfalls were in full flow.

Sheila had made a wonderful Christmas cake and posted it to our lodgings (thanks again) - so a lovely surprise on Christmas day - we had a slice for lunch with bubbly

sat by the lake then after various walks we had lunch of BBQ lamb + just a couple of veg and then another walk and Xmas pud and custard later on. A lovely relaxing day. We later rang Jen as she was in bed opening a few presents - it was great to hear a familiar voice - and good to know at least a couple of people are reading this! Hi, to all the Moodys and Christine!!

Today - Boxing Day is wet, wet again, so spending time catching up on internet things with the promise of sun on Monday and we will try again for a walking part of the Routeburn major trek to Key summit.

Having dificulty getting pictures on the the blog today - but have at last managed to find a relatively fast internet cafe computer and so all our photos are now on my Picasa album - see the link on the photo bit on the right hand side of this blog. Clicking on that should take you to the photos that should be in date order so you can see some of the recent ones at the end. There are a few duplicates at the beginning - will have to sort out later! Just ignore.

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