Friday, 18 December 2009

The Wild West - and Japanese driving

This was taken in Abel Tasman NP on the East coast - golden sands and calm waters 

Then crossed over to West Coast to these windswept beaches and lots of rain - 265 days a year - we were so lucky last time to have unbroken sunshine.

But we get out for walks and nosing around old coal and gold mining sites in between time and make use of the wet gear at other times - but you will see from this photo that the views as per the main photo at the start of this blog of Lake Mathieson, are slightly different.  But a must do walk - the Tarn Hows of the West Coast.  It was well worth it even in the rain today - thats what rain forests do!

The car below drove into the viewpoint behind us and he pressed the accelerator instead of the brake - oh dear!  Just as well the bushes were there - a 300 ft drop to the ocean on the other side.  We were just about to take them to the nearest town when a saviour drew up with boat trailer and ropes to pull them out.  There is obviously a problem with all these people driving on the wrong side of the roads - there are arrows down the direction to go after all scenic pull outs and turnings!

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