Monday, 14 December 2009

Beaches and bush

After 6 days in the very north of South Island and then 3 days at Motueka near the wonderful Abel Tasman NP, we are leaving for the West Coast and mountains and more fantastic coastal walking.  It's just endless perfect days for us.

Have done some great walks from 10 minutes to 8 hours in the 2 areas (Golden Bay and Tasman), along windswept empty beaches and endless bush -  and taken a step back in time to the 1970's.  

If there is an art form or healing or type of massage that's not here, then it doesn't exist!  But then you see the scenery and the peace and isolation and it all makes sense.

But with such beautiful spots they are gradually getting pushed to the outer limits to retain the seclusion - unless you spot yet another way to make money out of tourists - but how many of us really want to go on a course "Feltmaking for the feet"?

Westport is our next stop - also reputed to be full of artists, potters and woodcarvers - and probably rain, so there may be more time to do a bit more blogging.

1 comment:

  1. All looks fantastic in NZ - you're just encouraging us to "blog" ourselves.

    Have been to YTC last week and all around looks fine. Have a really good Christmas and New year
    Brian and Sue
